ABOUT JIM WARREN This page contains the basic information & highlights of Jim's career.
A more indepth view can be found in the coffee table book
"The Art of Jim Warren" which can be ordered through the catalog.
Born: Nov 24, 1949 in Long Beach, CA to Don and Betty Warren. Jim's brother Rick was 2 and his sister Kathy was 5.
Beginnings: Started painting at age 1, like all children. Went through the usual string of career choices such as: artist, magician, artist, rock star, artist etc. I officially decided in high school in 1967 that an artist, a "Rich and Famous" one at that, was what I was going to be!
Tools: Traditional oil paint on stretched canvas which I coat with a gesso primer. Only paintbrushes are used to paint with and NO airbrush, as people have sometimes thought.
Art Training: "I'm basically self taught. I learned some basics in my high school art class. At college I attended several life-drawing classes, and always studied the great masters at museums."
Philosophy of Art: "To hell with the rules...paint what you like."
Some of Jim's favorite accomplishments:
Entered first public art show, in Westwood CA, and won first prize.
Commissioned by jazz greats Billy Cobham and George Duke to paint first album cover.
Accepted first-place award from Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley for Westwood art show.
Grammy Award winner for best album package, won for Bob Seger's No. 1 album "Against the Wind."
Began "Illustration" faze painting over 200 hundred book covers for such authors as Arthur C. Clarke, Robin Cook and Clive Barker. Album covers for Prince, Alice Cooper etc and movie posters for Phantasm, Night of the Living Dead (the remake) Waxworks etc. Also numerous magazine covers such as Twilight Zone and Heavy Metal Magazine.
Painted "Earth...Love It or Lose It." This painting received critical acclaim, was featured on posters, magazines, billboards, t-shirts ect. and soon became the visual representation for the global environmental movement.
Began the unique trendsetting idea of collaboration paintings with famed marine life artist, Wyland, showcasing both artists' specialties...Marine Life (Wyland) and People (Jim).
1992 - 1993
Comic Images released two sets of collector cards of Jim's paintings. Each set is comprised of 96 images.
Started portraits which Jim called "Personalized Paintings" for such people as Julliette Lewis (Vacation, Cape fear) Marine life artist Wyland and Michael Parnell (CEO of Oakley sunglasses)
To celebrate Jim's first 30 years as an artist, his fans convince him to release his first book entitled "The art of Jim Warren: An American Original."
Jim's second book Painted Worlds is released world wide in hard back by the prestigious European publishers Paper Tiger. In 2003 Painted Worlds is re-released in mass market soft cover. Coming in 2004; Painted Worlds 2 featuring the latest paintings as well as many rare oldies.
The Warren/ Disney collaboration paintings are released as fine art prints. With Disney being one of the earliest inspirations for Jim as a child, the was a very special project. Although Jim painting the Disney characters himself into the paintings, he was art directed by animators who have worked with Disney for over 20 years.
Currently: My greatest accomplishment to date, and one that can not be matched, is the many letters and communications that I have recieved from people telling me that my art has inspired them or made their day a little brighter. Jim lives in Clearwater, FL with his wife, Cindy, daughter Drew (born in 1992) and his son, Art (born in 1994). Jim's stepdaughter, Rebecca (born in 1974) lives in California. Jim feels that maintaining a close family with a demanding career is one of his greatest accomplishments, and thanks his family for all their support and assistance. His entire family helps with his art business, doubling as Art Director, Assistant (his wife) and Models (his children).